Following last March, we delivered a science program at Ishinomaki Aeon Shopping Mall.
This year we introduced Thaumatrope into the clip motors. We just tried to upgrade our demontration a bit, but in fact the weight of the piece of paper significantly increased the difficulty.
In addition, we made a demonstration of hand-cranked electric generator to transform kinetic energy to electric energy, which is exactly opposite to motors.
A dedicated kid came to our booth in the morning, saying "I could not wait since I enjoyed your demonstration last year," while other kid was excited to see our circuit tester and he planned to buy it with his allowance. We were happy to see so many kids enjoying our demonstration.
The experiment was a bit difficult and kids were anxious before the motor began to rotate. At the moment the motor started rotating, the kids started smiling. We were also happy (and felt relieved). It is definitely worth preparing for the experiments and coming all the way from Tokyo.
Just after coming off of the highway, the downtown seems to be completely renovated with new bulidings, however, but near the port, piled up were hundreds of scrap cars, while residential area had left since Tsunami attacked, behind there was a skeleton of school building.
The number of victims by the Great Earthquake is approximately fifteen thousand across the country, and over three thousand out of them were from Ishinomaki city. The evidence was still there; fifteen thousand people, about ten percent of citizens are still living in temporal houses (seven thousand houses). Some may have to live outside of the city. We realized the reconstruction was on its way.
As we just ran across them at the shopping mall, we can not get their feelings in detail. We just hope that our activities could be a chance for the kids to get their smile back.
Finally we greatly acknowledge Sony corporation for their heart-warming supports and donation of their batteries and generators for this event.